Sponsorship Packages
Full Sponsor
Full sponsors are the pillars which support the foundation of our program. You provide a young Zambian woman with all of her educational needs (school fees, boarding fees, school supplies, books, etc.) while simultaneously covering her emotional support, workshop attendance, computer classes, and the minor administrative fees Bakashana incurs to provide these activities.
Educational Benefactor
You provide a high school education to an aspiring young woman who, under any other circumstances, would be unable to continue her education. Many are orphaned, at-risk for early pregnancy & early marriage, and lack financial support in their lives. Your funds provide tuition, room & board, uniforms, books, school supplies, tutoring, & textbooks.
Meet the Girls Seeking Sponsors
The impact of your one-time Donation:
- $50 pays for 20 women to access family planning for a month
- $100 offers 50 pupils free computer skills training at our resource center
- $150 sends a young woman to skills training college for a semester
- $400 buys food for 21 underserved girls at our Bakashana boarding house for one month

All donations are used to assist our grantees. Any donation, however modest, helps!
Bakashana is a non-profit organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the internal revenue code, and as such is qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, transfers or gifts under sections 2055, 2106, or 2522. We are a public charity and all contributions are tax-deductible.